Flower Delivery Service
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery only available on florist choice bouquets if ordered before 12pm Tuesday - Friday.
Delivery Days
We deliver between the hours of 9am - 6pm Tuesday - Friday and Saturday 9am - 12pm.
We aim to leave your order in a safe secure location and will leave a calling card, however if there is no safe location, we will get in contact to arrange a suitable mutual time for delivery for both parties.
Delivery Charges
- Same Day Delivery - £5.95
- Standard delivery 2 workings days - £3.95
Free Delivery for SL4 when spending over £35.00.
Delivery to: SL3 (Datchet ONLY), SL4, SL5, SL6, RG42.
Click and Collect
Click and collect available Fridays and Saturdays only from Peascod Street Windsor only.